Using Appropriate Language

Using Appropriate Language

teens at lunch


The language we use has a powerful impact on us and on our family, friends, and others. Using positive and appropriate language invites the Spirit and lifts other people.


On separate cards, describe scenarios in which a person is using language appropriately or inappropriately (for ideas, see lesson 4 under “Profanity” in the Family Home Evening Resource Book). Put the cards in a container. Group members take turns drawing cards and deciding whether the scenario shows an appropriate or inappropriate use of language. If inappropriate, invite group members to explain what the person in the scenario could do differently.

More Ideas

  • Gratitude power—Ask participants to think of a time they were angry with themselves or someone else. Then invite participants to make a list of things they are grateful for. Notice that it’s hard to feel grateful and angry at the same time.

  • Follow the Savior—Divide into small groups. Have each group look in the scriptures for examples of how the Savior spoke to those around Him. How did His words teach, lift, and help others? Have each group share what they discover.

  • Use language to bless—Ask group members to write down two or three ways language can be used to lift and encourage other people. Invite them to share what they wrote with the group. As a group, brainstorm on ways to apply these ideas in everyday life.

  • Set an example—Encourage your friends to use clean language. You could even start a “No Cussing” club.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to use appropriate language?

  • When have you had a meaningful experience using language in an uplifting way rather than an inappropriate or negative way?

  • What feelings or impressions do you have about the way you use language and the effect it has on you and those around you?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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