Get Cultured!

Get Cultured!

young men and young women dancing


Art in any form is a way for people to share ideas with those around them. Taking time to learn about various types of art will help you appreciate the people and the cultures that create the art. You might learn more about yourself and your own creativity in the process!

Goal Description

Learn about or attend different types of arts and cultural events.

Goal Ideas

  • Interview an artist in any field about his or her creative process. Seek to discover how individual artists approach their art.

  • Host an art night. Gather a variety of art supplies and invite friends or family to get together and create.

  • Discover different cultural venues in your area: museums, the symphony, the theater, or musical or cultural centers. Choose one or more to visit. Pay attention to what you’re drawn to and what you don’t like.

  • Take an art or music history class at school or in your community. Learn how the art or music reflects the artist’s life and circumstances.

  • Look for opportunities to experience art and music from cultures other than your own. It might even be fun to learn traditional dances or songs or make a piece of art using ancient methods.

  • Create your own goal.

Related Resources

Kyiv Ukraine Temple Cultural Celebration (Video)

Create (Video)

Our Cultural Heritage (Family Home Evening Resource Book)

The Gospel Vision of the Arts (Ensign)
