Get to Know the Articles of Faith

Get to Know the Articles of Faith

young woman reading scriptures


Want to exercise your brain and spirit at the same time? Spend time memorizing the Articles of Faith and understanding the basic doctrines they teach. As you do, you’ll find protection, gain spiritual strength, and be ready to share your testimony.

Goal Description

Memorize the Articles of Faith and understand their basic doctrines.

Goal Ideas

  • Memorize the Articles of Faith. You could use the Article of Faith songs in the Children’s Songbook to help.

  • Spend a few minutes every day reviewing one of the Articles of Faith. If you’re taking seminary, think about how the doctrines in the Articles of Faith match up with the basic doctrines you’re learning about. Write about what you learn in your journal.

  • Pray about the doctrines in the Articles of Faith. Ask Heavenly Father to help you understand why they are important. (This article on “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” may be helpful to you.) Share your testimony of one of the doctrines with a friend or in testimony meeting.

  • Read Gospel Principles (2009). Focus particularly on chapters that cover the basic doctrines in the Articles of Faith. Choose specific ways to apply what you are learning.

  • Create your own goal.

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