How to Pay for Schooling

How to Pay for Schooling

graduate with friend


Learn how to be self-reliant and prepare for the future by saving for higher education. Pursuing educational or professional goals can help you prepare to serve others and to provide for yourself and your family.


Invite a school counselor to explain the opportunities for scholarships and financial aid available to students. If applicable in your area, invite a bishop or branch president to discuss the Perpetual Education Fund and how to apply. Have participants write down their plan to pay for school, and encourage them to make goals to achieve their plan. You might also want to focus on the importance of paying tithing in all financial circumstances and the blessings that we can receive when we do so.

More Ideas

  • Make your own bank—Teach participants the importance of saving money. Create and decorate a container for saving money, using shoeboxes, bottles, or envelopes to take home.

  • Get the job—You can earn money and save it for college! Invite someone from an employment center or an experienced volunteer to help individuals create or update their résumés for job applications. If possible, give participants time to practice filling out applications or role-play answering interview questions.

  • Budget—Learn how to create and track a budget to account for expenses and needs. Include tithing in your budget and discuss the blessings of paying a full tithe. Teach participants how to adjust a budget to save for financial goals, wanted items, events, or trips.

  • PathwayConnect program—Invite Church-service missionaries for the PathwayConnect program to speak to your group about the program’s benefits and how it differs from a traditional education path. You may also attend a local Pathway meeting or visit


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to prepare financially for schooling?

  • When have you prepared financially to reach a goal?

  • What thoughts or impressions do you have about financial preparation for schooling?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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