Learn How to Find Answers to Gospel Questions

Learn How to Find Answers to Gospel Questions

young woman with scriptures praying


If you have questions about the gospel or about how God helps you in life, you’re not alone! The scriptures are full of stories of people like you who had questions and—this is really important—found answers. Asking a question is a request to receive revelation. When you seek and ask in faith, you will find answers and feel God’s love for you, just like the people in the scriptures did.

Goal Description

Learn how to find answers to gospel questions.

Goal Ideas

  • Just because something is online doesn’t mean it’s right. Learn how to find and use accurate and appropriate resources to help you find answers. You might want to spend time getting familiar with these resources.

  • It can be easy to feel like you don’t know enough about the gospel. Elder Neil L. Andersen taught that even when we feel that way, we do know enough (see “You Know Enough,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2008, 13–14). Write down everything you know about the gospel. It’s okay if it’s not a very long list to start. Every time you learn something or feel the Spirit tell you something is true, add to your list. When you have a question about the gospel, look at your list first to remind you what you already know. You might even find an answer there that you didn’t expect!

  • Make a list of resources you can use to help you find answers to your gospel questions. You might include things like scriptures, general conference talks, fasting and prayer, and friends and family. Whenever you have a question, use your list as a guide for your study.

  • Sometimes the Lord asks us to wait for answers. That takes patience and faith. How can you develop faith to wait for answers? Read Alma 32 and Hebrews 11 and then, as you read the scriptures, watch for ways people show their faith in God.

  • Faith is action, so when you receive an answer to a question, act in faith on the answer.

  • Create your own goal.

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