Learn About and Appreciate Other Cultures

Learn About and Appreciate Other Cultures

young men looking at globe


The world is filled with different cultures. Each one offers unique music, art, stories, and even ways of looking at the world. When you learn about other cultures, you grow in love for all of Heavenly Father’s children. You’re better prepared to serve them, and you also enrich your own life.

Goal Description

Learn about and appreciate other cultures.

Goal Ideas

  • Do you have a friend who speaks a language you don’t speak? Begin learning the basics of that language. Ask your friend to teach you useful words and phrases. As you learn, practice your skills in conversation with each other.

  • Learn how people from another culture celebrate a holiday like Christmas or Easter. Add a decoration, meal, or song from that culture to your own celebration.

  • Learn about art, music, food, or customs from another culture.

  • Learn about the culture of one of your ancestors. You can search online or get a book from the library.

  • Find ways to help people from other cultures feel comfortable with your culture.

  • Attend a festival in your area that celebrates a specific culture.

  • Create your own goal.

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