Live the Law of Chastity

Live the Law of Chastity

youth riding bikes


Eternal marriage is one of God’s most beautiful blessings for His children. When you stay sexually pure before marriage and remain faithful to your spouse within marriage, you can have the companionship of the Holy Ghost. You also create the foundation for a strong family.

Goal Description

Live the law of chastity.

Goal Ideas

  • Learn about the law of chastity: What is it? Who is it for? Why should we live this law? What blessings can you receive by living it? The Topical Guide in the scriptures, general conference talks, and For the Strength of Youth are good places to start your study.

  • Make a plan to stay sexually pure, and share it with your Heavenly Father. Write down any additional impressions you receive.

  • What kind of marriage do you want? Draw a picture or write a list. Refer to your picture or list often to remind you that staying sexually pure will help you prepare for the marriage you want to have.

  • Go through your clothes and decide if you need to make any changes to be more modest. Write down your thoughts and impressions about modesty and how your wardrobe reflects the Lord’s standards for modesty.

  • Pray for power to resist temptation to break the law of chastity, including viewing pornography. Plan ways to keep your thoughts clean: for example, memorize a favorite scripture or hymn that you can repeat to help redirect your thoughts.

  • If you have already been involved in something that goes against the law of chastity, begin the process of repentance now. Talk with your bishop or branch president. He will help you work toward the joy and peace of forgiveness.

  • Create your own goal.

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