Set Appropriate Boundaries

Set Appropriate Boundaries

young men at a park


Having a door to your house protects you because you can decide who comes in and who doesn’t. Setting boundaries—limits or rules—for yourself and your relationships with others is like a door to your life and can help you feel safer spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Goal Description

Set appropriate boundaries for yourself and your relationships with others.

Goal Ideas

  • Commandments are boundaries God gives His children to protect them. Study God’s commandments, and write down your thoughts about how you have felt protected by keeping the commandments.

  • Look in For the Strength of Youth for ideas about where you can set boundaries, and write down a list of “I will” statements about your boundaries. For example, “I will turn off inappropriate music and other entertainment” or “I will keep myself worthy to have a temple recommend and use it.” Review your list regularly and add to it as you think of ideas.

  • Practice ways to kindly and clearly let others know about your boundaries. You could even ask a parent, leader, or friend to role-play with you how to do this.

  • Set appropriate boundaries on your social media platforms: for instance, only connect with people you know and trust; treat others with respect; remove yourself from online conflict and report it if necessary; and limit your online time.

  • If someone has already crossed a boundary in your life which they should not have crossed, pray to know how to proceed. Consider talking to a priesthood leader, trusted adult, or counselor. Get the help you need so your boundaries will be protected in the future.

  • Create your own goal.

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