Traffic Safety

Traffic Safety

young man using cell phone in car


Learn the rules of traffic safety to help keep yourself and others safe. Safety is important as you fulfill your divine roles and build the Lord’s kingdom.


As a group, put on a traffic game show. You can create your own game or find one online. For example, you could ask contestants questions on topics such as the following:

  • Traffic signs

  • Pedestrian safety

  • Public transportation safety

  • Defensive driving

  • Distracted driving

Invite other groups (quorums, classes, or members of your branch or ward) to be in the audience. At the end of the activity, serve refreshments with a traffic safety theme.

More Ideas

  • Learn from an expert—Schedule a visit to a local police station to learn more from a traffic officer about following traffic rules to stay safe.

  • Truth and consequences—Write traffic rules on individual pieces of paper. Tape the papers to a wall or blackboard, or lay them on the floor so the writing cannot be seen. Let participants take turns choosing a paper. For each rule, ask participants to share the consequences of obeying the rule and of disobeying the rule.

  • Letter to your future self—Write a letter to yourself at an important time in the future (for example, graduation or marriage). Include the things you commit to do to stay safe, such as learning and following the rules of the road, never using a mobile device while driving, avoiding harmful substances like alcohol and drugs, and so forth.

  • Eliminate distractions—As a group, find and share facts about distracted driving with each other. Discuss how distracted driving significantly increases your risk of accidents and injury to yourself and others. Learn how to avoid common distractions while driving. Invite participants to make a commitment to avoid distracted driving.

  • Practice in a safe environment—If practical for your area, have the group participate in a driving school or driving simulation. You could also have participants learn from mobile apps specifically designed to teach traffic safety.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to learn about traffic safety?

  • When have you benefited from understanding and following traffic safety rules?

  • What feelings or impressions do you have about the importance of traffic safety? What are the possible consequences of not following traffic safety rules?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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