Visiting a College or Vocational School

Visiting a College or Vocational School

BYU–Idaho campus


Visit a college campus or vocational school and become inspired to pursue higher education. Education brings personal satisfaction and helps you fulfill your goals in life.


Contact a representative from a local college or vocational school and arrange to tour the campus. Ask the representative to tell the group about educational opportunities and the school experience, as well as entrance requirements, financial aid, scholarships, degrees, and career possibilities.

More Ideas

  • Vision board—Make a vision board with pictures and words that illustrate personal interests and educational goals. Invite participants to include selfies, colleges or schools that are interesting to them, activities they want to participate in, and their anticipated grades, graduation date, degree, and career. Share your vision boards with each other.

  • Talk to a student—Invite students from a local college or university to talk about their experiences in college. They could talk about living arrangements, their studies, or anything that may have surprised them about college. Encourage participants to come prepared with questions.

  • Career interests and educational programs—Arrange a visit with a career or admissions specialist. Encourage participants to share their talents or areas of interest and find a matching educational program or degree.

  • Map out your visit—As a group, look at a map of campus and decide which areas you want to see on your visit, such as the library, food area, fitness center, classrooms, Church institute building, and living arrangements. While on your visit, talk with other college students to find out what they like and don’t like about the college or school.

  • Try it out—If possible, encourage participants to attend one class they might find interesting. They could also visit a campus museum or art show, or even attend an event like a play or music recital.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to visit a college or vocational school?

  • When have you experienced benefits from getting an education?

  • What feelings or impressions do you have about the importance of education?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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