Be Friends with Your Family

Be Friends with Your Family

children on floor coloring


Family is one of the greatest blessings that Heavenly Father has given us. No matter what your family looks like, there’s a lot you can do to bond with your family (see “Shining Forth in the Family”). Become better friends with your family members so that you can create relationships that can last forever.

Goal Description

Find ways to strengthen family relationships.

Goal Ideas

  • If your family already holds family dinners, commit to being there at least five days a week. Change your schedule around if you have to. You can also commit to sharing a meal with one family member every week.

  • It may feel awkward at first, but write a kind note to a family member every week. Find fun places to hide them for your family members to find.

  • Find ways to serve each member of your family in simple but meaningful ways. Look for ways to make them smile.

  • Gather your family for a game night. Take turns playing each person’s favorites or try out some new games. Put game night on your calendar and make it a regular occurence!

  • Spend individual time with each member of your family. Think of questions you could ask to get to know them better. Do something with them that is important to them. You can try learning more about something they love to do, or start attending their games or recitals. Extra points if you make a sign for a game!

  • Create your own goal.

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