Learn Job Skills Now for Future Success
You might not be ready for that career as a scientist, teacher, or mechanic right away. But you can learn basic job skills now that will help you be ready to provide for yourself and your family, serve others, and succeed in the future.
Goal Description
Learn basic job skills that will help you now and in the future.
Goal Ideas
Learn how to fill out a job application and how to interview for a job. You could talk to a family member or trusted adult for guidance.
For most jobs, you’ll need at least basic reading and writing skills. If you want to improve in this area, take a class or find a tutor to help you.
They call it “work” for a reason! No matter what career you end up in, being able to stick with a job and do it well—even if you’re not very excited about it—will help you prepare for your future. When your parents, teachers, or leaders ask for your help or assign you tasks, make it a point to do your best work every time.
In almost every job, you’ll need to interact with others, whether they are customers, managers, or coworkers. Learn and practice skills for getting along with others, like communicating expectations and resolving disagreements. You might be surprised how practicing these skills with your family and friends improves your relationships now!
Do you have a career in mind? Talk to someone who is successful in that career and find out what skills he or she has developed. Ask for advice on developing these skills. Then set a goal to develop one or more skills for your future career.
Create your own goal.
Related Resources
Why is it important to gain an education and develop skills? (Aaronic Priesthood)
Why is it important for me to gain an education and develop skills? (Young Women)
Work and Self-Reliance (For the Strength of Youth)
Basketball Got Me a Job (Video)
Me in 30 Seconds (Video)