The Plan of Happiness

The Plan of Happiness



Learn more about the plan of happiness and why it matters to you.


Teach the plan of salvation by creating stations to represent each stage of our existence: premortal life, earth life, spirit world, Resurrection and Judgment, and degrees of glory. If possible, put each station in a separate room. In each room or station, use scriptures, stories, images, and songs to discuss each stage of our existence (see suggestions below). Be creative! You could use a curtain to represent the “veil” of birth and death. Focus on the Savior’s role in each part of the plan.

Consider inviting the missionaries, investigators, or friends who want to know more about your beliefs.

More Ideas

  • Role-play—Role-play situations where you share your testimony of the plan of happiness. Situations could include comforting someone who has lost a loved one, helping someone understand why life can be hard, or explaining why you keep the commandments. Invite participants to share any personal experiences they have had teaching someone about the plan of happiness.

  • Find the plan of happiness—Hide pictures, words, or objects that relate to the plan of happiness around the room or building. For example: pre-earth life, earth life, spirit world, Judgment, Resurrection, celestial kingdom, terrestrial kingdom, telestial kingdom, Atonement, agency, covenants, physical body, spiritual body, personal decisions, and so on. Invite participants to find the items. Once all the pieces have been found, have participants put them together to create a diagram of the plan. Discuss why the plan is called the “plan of happiness.”

  • Word scramble—Write or print each of the following phrases on a piece of paper, and then cut each phrase into individual letters and put them in an envelope. Divide into small groups, and give an envelope to each group. Invite them to unscramble the phrase. If they get stuck, give them the scripture reference for help. Once all the phrases are unscrambled, discuss the meaning of the different names for the plan of happiness and how they relate to each other.

  • Line up the plan—Each participant has a sign with a step from the plan of happiness on their back. Participants can see the others, but not theirs. Ask the group to line up in the correct order. If you have more participants than signs, secretly assign some participants without signs to give correct and helpful clues and some to give incorrect clues. Participants must decide which voices to listen to as they line up in order.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to understand the plan of happiness?

  • When have you had a meaningful experience understanding your place in the plan of happiness?

  • What feelings or impressions do you have about the plan of happiness?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

Related Resources

Sabbath Day Lessons

What is my role in fulfilling Heavenly Father’s plan? (Aaronic Priesthood)

What is the plan of salvation? (Aaronic Priesthood)

What is the purpose of life? (Aaronic Priesthood)

Why do the choices I make matter? (Aaronic Priesthood)


Answering Questions about the Plan of Salvation

The Plan of Salvation (New Era)

The Quest for Happiness (New Era)

What We Know about Premortal Life (New Era or Liahona)
