Istwa nan Ekriti yo
Chapit 22: Mesye ki te gen movèzespri yo

Chapit 22

Mesye ki te gen movèzespri yo

Man with an unclean spirit - ch.25-1

Yon mesye ki te viv nan yon simityè bò Lanmè Galile ki te gen yon movèzespri nan li a te fè l aji sovaj. Moun yo te mare li avèk chenn pou kontwole li, men li te kase chenn yo.

The man with the unclean spirit cries and cuts himself with stones - ch.25-2

Mesye a te pase tout lajounen ak tout lannuit nan mòn yo ak tonm yo. Li te konn bay gwo rèl tout tan epi blese tèt li avèk wòch.

The man runs to meet Jesus as He disembarks - ch.25-3

Yon jou Jezi ak disip li yo te travèse Lanmè Galile a sou yon kannòt. Lè Sovè a te desann kannòt la, mesye a te kouri vin jwenn ni.

Jesus commands the unclean spirit to come out of the man - ch.25-4

Jezi te di movèzespri a pou l te sòti nan mesye a. Movèzespri a te konnen Jezi sete Pitit Bondye. Li te mande Jezi pou l pa t fè l soufri.

The unclean spirit says his name is Legion and begged Jesus to send them into the swine - ch.25-5

Lè Sovè a te mande movèzespri a kijan l te rele, li te di: “Yo rele m Rejiman” ki vle di anpil. Anpil movèzespri te nan mesye a. Yo te mande Jezi pou l te kite yo antre nan kò kèk kochon ki te tou pre.

The evil spirits enter the bodies of the swine and rush into the sea and drown - ch.25-6

Jezi te dakò. Movèzespri yo te soti kite mesye a epi yo t al nan kò prèske 2.000 kochon. Kochon yo te pran degrengole desann al nwaye tèt yo nan lanmè.

The men who cared for the swine ran to tell other people what had happened and they came and saw that the man wasn't wild anymore - ch.25-7

Mesye ki t ap gade kochon yo te kouri al gaye nouvèl la nan lavil kou andeyò. Moun te vini soti toupatou pou wè Jezi ak mesye ki te gen movèzespri a. Men mesye a pa t gen movèzespri sou li ankò.

The people were afraid of Jesus and asked Him to go away - ch.25-8

Sa te fè moun yo pè Jezi. Yo te mande l pou l te kite peyi a. Li te retounen sou bato a.

Jesus tells the man not to come with Him but go and tell his friends about how he had been healed - ch.25-9

Mesye ki te geri a te vle ale avèk li. Sovè a te di li pou l te retounen lakay li pito pou l t al di zanmi l yo sa k te rive li.

The man's friends marvelled at what he told them - ch.25-10

Mesye a te di zanmi l yo, epi yo te sezi wè gwo pouvwa Jezi.
