Istwa nan Ekriti yo
Chapit 30: Pen lavi a

Chapit 30

Pen lavi a

The people who had been fed the loaves and fishes follow Jesus in boats to Capernaum - ch.30-1

Nan demen anpil moun te eseye jwenn Jezi. Yo te suiv li al Kapènaròm nan kannòt.

Jesus knows they only want Him to feed them again - ch.29-2

Jezi te konnen ke yo te anvi pou l ba yo manje ankò.

Jesus tells the people they should seek the bread of eternal life - ch.29-3

Jezi te anseye yo ke pen te ka kenbe yo vivan pou sèlman yon ti bout tan. Li te di ke te gen yon lòt kalite pen yo ta dwe chèche —Pen ki bay lavi a. Li te di yo ke li sete Pen ki bay lavi a.

Jesus tells the people that if they believe on Him they will have everlasting life - ch.29-4

Jezi te anseye moun yo ke li t ap sakrifye lavi li pou yo. Li te di ke si yo suiv li epi kwè nan li, y ap gen lavi ki pa p janm fini an.