Istwa nan Ekriti yo
Chapit 58: Simon ak Prètriz la

Chapit 58

Simon ak Prètriz la

People in Samaria listening to the gospel - ch.-1

Anpil moun nan Samari te tande levanjil la epi yo te kwè nan li. Yo te batize, men yo pa t gen Sentespri a.

Peter and John give the gift of the Holy Ghost to the members in Samaria. - ch.-2

Pyè ak Jan te ale Samari. Yo te mete men sou tèt moun yo pou bayo don Sentespri a.

Simon asks Peter and John for the priesthood and offers them money. - ch.-3

Yon mesye yo te rele Simon te wè Pyè ak Jan ap bay moun yo don Sentespri a. Simon te konnen ke de Apot yo te ka bay don Sentespri a paske yo te gen Prètriz la. Li te vle gen Prètriz la tou.

Peter tells Simon that the priesthood is only given to righteous men and tells him to repent. - ch.-4

Li te ofri Pyè ak Jan lajan pou li. Pyè te di Simon ke okenn moun pa t ka achte Prètriz la. Bondye ba moun jis li. Pyè te konnen ke Simon pa t yon moun jis. Li te di l pou l repanti.
