





從1847年初開始,在2,000多名加入教會的加拿大人當中,有許多人跟著大部分的聖徒移民到美國西部。6 1887年,猶他州凱西山谷的一位支聯會會長,查理·卡德,帶著一小群聖徒來到亞伯達省里溪(後稱卡德斯頓)定居。7許多在南亞伯達省的早期墾荒者,包括卡德和他的妻子琪娜·楊·卡德,都是多妻家庭的成員。美國國會在1882年通過艾德曼法案後,這些後期聖徒因為持續多妻關係而冒著被罰款和入獄的危險。於是,其中有些人選擇移民到墨西哥或加拿大。亞伯達省提供了經濟機會和躲避美國反多妻法的避風港,但是有多妻的男人只能帶一個妻子進入加拿大。8





  1. Solomon Chamberlin autobiography, 10, Church History Library, Salt Lake City; see also Larry C. Porter, “Solomon Chamberlain—Early Missionary,” BYU Studies, vol. 12, no. 3 (1972), 314–18.

  2. See Historical Introduction to “Revelation, circa Early 1830,” josephsmithpapers.org; Stephen K. Ehat, “‘Securing’ the Prophet’s Copyright in the Book of Mormon: Historical and Legal Context for the So-called Canadian Copyright Revelations,” BYU Studies, vol. 50, no. 2 (2011), 4–70; Eric Smith, “A Mission to Canada: DC 100,” in Matthew McBride and James Goldberg, eds., Revelations in Context: The Stories behind the Sections of the Doctrine and Covenants (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2016), 202–7;亦見主題:摩爾門經的印刷和出版。For more detail on early preaching in Canada, see Carma T. Prete, “Eastern Canada: An Early Fruitful Field, 1829–77,” in Roy A. Prete and Carma T. Prete, eds., Canadian Mormons: History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Canada (Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2017), 23–38.

  3. John Taylor, “History of John Taylor by Himself,” 7, Historian’s Office Histories of the Twelve, 1856–1861, Church History Library, Salt Lake City.

  4. John Taylor, “History of John Taylor by Himself,” 10, 12.

  5. John Taylor, “History of John Taylor by Himself,” 11; Orson F. Whitney, Life of Heber C. Kimball, an Apostle; the Father and Founder of the British Mission (Salt Lake City: Kimball Family, 1888), 123.

  6. See Roy A. Prete, “Rise and Progress of the Church in Canada,” in Prete and Prete, Canadian Mormons, 1–22.

  7. 卡德在1886年和1887年帶了幾支探勘隊到南亞伯達省。他們在聖瑪莉河周圍地區探勘後,一致認為要在稱作里溪的一條支流上「開墾〔他們的〕殖民地」。Donald G. Godfrey and Brigham Y. Card, eds., The Diaries of Charles Ora Card (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1993), 52, 54–55; see also Rebecca J. Doig and W. Jack Stone, “The Alberta Settlement,” in Prete and Prete, Canadian Mormons, 60–63.

  8. 見「正式宣言和終止多重婚姻」,福音主題,lds.org/topics

  9. 至於後期聖徒在南亞伯達省究竟全部或部分建立了多少屯墾區,還是有些爭議。See Lynn A. Rosenvall, “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Alberta: A Historical and Geographical Perspective,” in Dennis A. Wright, Robert C. Freeman, Andrew H. Hedges, and Matthew O. Richardson, eds., Regional Studies in LDS Church History: Western Canada (Provo, Utah: Department of Church History and Doctrine, Brigham Young University, 2000), 1–12; Brigham Y. Card, “Charles Ora Card and the Founding of the Mormon Settlements in Southwestern Alberta, North-West Territories,” in Brigham Y. Card, Herbert C. Northcott, John E. Foster, Howard Palmer, and George K. Jarvis, eds., The Mormon Presence in Canada (Logan: Utah State University Press, 1990), 77–107; Doig and Stone, “Th e Alberta Settlement,” 55–99.

  10. Daniel H. Olsen, Brandon S. Plewe, and Jonathan A. Jarvis, “Historical Geography: Growth, Distribution, and Ethnicity,” in Prete and Prete, Canadian Mormons, 108–13.

  11. Facts and Statistics: Canada,” Mormon Newsroom, mormonnewsroom.org.
