Mau ’ā’amu o te pāpa’ira’a mo’a
Te toru o te parabole: Te tamaiti i mo‘e ra

Te toru o te parabole

Te tamaiti i mo‘e ra

The younger son of a man asks his father for his inheritance - ch.35-15

E piti a te hoê taata tamaiti. Ua fafau taua taata ra e horo‘a oia i ta’na moni na raua ia pohe oia ra. Aita te teina i hinaaro e tia‘i. Ua titau oia ia horo‘a mai to’na metua tane i ta’na tuhaa moni. Ua horo‘a te metua tane i ta’na moni.

The son is drinking and laughing with friends - ch.35-16

Ua rave te tamaiti i te moni e ua reva. Ua reva oia i te tahi atu fenua. Ua ora te tamaiti ra i roto i te hara. Ua haamau‘a oia i te taatoaraa o te moni.

The son asks a man for help and the man sends him to feed the pigs - ch.35-17

E i te hopearaa aore a te tamaiti nei e moni faahou no te hoo i te maa. Ua pohe a‘e ra oia i te po‘ia. Ua ani oia i te tauturu i te hoê taata. Ua tihepu te reira taata ia’na no te faaamu i ta’na mau puaa.

The son was so hungry he wanted to eat the pig's food - He decides to go home and be a servant to his father because the servants had enough to eat - ch.35-18

E ua hinaaro te tamaiti ra e amu i te maa a te puaa, e po‘ia rahi ho‘i to’na ra. Ua ite oia e, e mea maitai a‘e te maa e amuhia e te mau tavini i ô to’na ra metua tane i ta’na e amu ra.

The father sees his son coming home - ch.35-19

Ua faaoti a‘e ra oia e tatarahapa e e ani ia riro ei tavini i roto i te fare o to’na metua tane. Ia ho‘i maira te tamaiti i te fare, ite atu ra te metua tane ia’na te haere maira.

The father runs to meet his son and welcome him home - ch.35-20

Ua horo atu ra te metua tane e farerei ia’na. Ua tauahi atu ra ia’na e ua apa atu ra.

The son tells his father that he has sinned - ch.35-21

Ua parau atu ra te tamaiti i to’na metua tane e ua hara oia. Ua feruri oia e, eita oia e au ia parauhia e tamaiti na to’na metua tane.

The father tells his servants to put the best robe on his sona ring on his hand and shoes on his feet - ch.35-22

Ua parau atu ra te metua tane i te hoê tavini ia hopoi mai i te ahu maitai ra e ia tapoi i ni‘a i te tamaiti. Ua tamau atu ra te tavini i te tiaa i ni‘a i te avae o te tamaiti e te hoê tape‘a i ta’na rima.

The servants make a feast for the son - ch.35-23

Ua parau atu ra te metua tane i te tavini ia faaineine i te hoê oro‘a. Ua hinaaro oia ia faahanahana te mau taata atoa. Ua tatarahapa te tamaiti tei hara e ua ho‘i mai i te fare.

The older son comes in from the field and hears music and dancing - A servant tells him that his father is celebrating the younger son's return - ch.35-24

Te rave ra te tuaana i te ohipa i roto i te faaapu. Ia ho‘i mai râ oia i te fare, faaroo a‘e ra oia i te himene e te ori. Ua faaite atu te hoê tavini ia’na e, tei te fare nei to’na teina. E ua hinaaro to’na metua tane ia faahanahana te mau taata atoa.

The father comes out and talks to the elder son who is angry and won't join the celebration - ch.35-25

Riri a‘e ra te tamaiti matahiapo e aita a‘e ra i hinaaro e tomo i roto i te fare. Ua haere maira to’na metua tane i rapae e paraparau ia’na.

The father explains that the elder son will inherit everything the father has, but they should be happy that the younger son has repented and come home - ch.35-26

E mauruuru rahi to metua tane i te tamaiti matahiapo oia i parahi tamau noa i piha‘iho ia’na. Te mau mea atoa na te metua tane ra e riro ïa na’na. Ua parau atoa te metua tane e, ua ti‘a te faahanahanaraa. E oaoa ho‘i to’na i te mea e, ua tatarahapa to’na tamaiti apî a‘e e ua ho‘i mai i te fare.

Jesus explains the meaning of the three parables to the Pharisees - ch.35-27

Ua faati‘a Iesu i teie na parabole e toru nei i te mau Pharisea no te mea ua hinaaro Oia ia ite ratou i te here rahi o te Metua i te Ao ra i te taata hoê. Te here nei Oia i te taata e haapa‘o i Ta’na parau. Te here atoa nei Oia i te feia hara, eita râ te Metua i te Ao ra e nehenehe e haamaitai ia ratou maori râ ia tatarahapa ratou. Te hinaaro nei oia i te feia hara ia tatarahapa e ia ho‘i mai Ia’na ra. E te hinaaro nei Oia ia tauturu tatou ia ratou ia na reira e ia oaoa i to ratou ho‘iraa mai.
