Mau ’ā’amu o te pāpa’ira’a mo’a
Pene 46: Te tae-piti-raa mai

Pene 46

Te tae-piti-raa mai

His disciples ask Jesus when the wicked would be destroyed - ch.46-1

Tei ni‘a o Iesu i te Mou‘a o Oliveta. Ua hinaaro Ta’na mau pĭpĭ e ani ia Iesu i te tahi mau uiraa. Ua ani atu ra ratou e, ahea te feia iino e haamouhia ai. Ua hinaaro atoa ratou ia ite e, ahea o Iesu e ho‘i faahou mai ai.

False prophets try to lead the people astray - ch.46-2

Ua parau o Iesu ia ratou e, hou To’na tae-piti-raa mai, e parau mai te mau peropheta haavare e o ratou te Mesia. E rave rahi o te pee ia ratou. Ia haapa‘o râ Ta’na mau pĭpĭ i Ta’na mau parau, eita ïa ratou e haavarehia e te mau peropheta haavare. E faaorahia ïa ratou.

Before the Second Coming there will be earthquakes - ch.46-3

Ua parau atoa mai o Iesu e hou a ho‘i faahou mai ai Oia, e tupu te mau tama‘i e rave rahi, te ‘o‘e te mau ma‘i ri‘ari‘a, e te aueueraa fenua. E rave rahi taata e faaea i te tauturu ia vetahi ê e e riro mai ei feia iino.

The missionaries will preach the gospel, but many people will not listen - ch.46-4

E porohia te evanelia i to te ao atoa nei, tera râ e rave rahi taata eita e faaroo.

Prior to the Second Coming the sun will be darkened, the moon will not shine, and the stars will fall from heaven - ch.46-5

E po‘iri te mahana, eita te marama e hiti, e e topa te mau fetia mai te ra‘i mai ra.

The righteous see Jesus coming down from the clouds - ch.46-6

Ia ho‘i faahou mai Iesu Mesia, e ite te mau taata Ia’na ia pou mai na roto mai i te ata ma te mana e te hanahana rahi. E tono mai Oia i Ta’na mau melahi no te haaputuputu i te feia parau ti‘a.

A family prepares for the Second Coming by learning about Christ - The parents and children sit and listen to one of the children showing a data-poster of Jesus and the children - ch.46-7

E nehenehe tatou e faaineine ia tatou no te tae-piti-raa mai na roto i te raveraa i te ohipa ti‘a. Ia ite tatou i te mau tapa‘o ta Iesu i fafau mai, e ite tatou e, ua fatata te taeraa mai o te Faaora. Aore hoê taata i ite papû maitai e ahea o Iesu e ho‘i faahou mai ai. Mai te mea ua ineine tatou, e parahi ïa tatou i piha‘iho Ia’na.
