Scripture Stories
Afta long NiuTesteman

Afta long Niu Testeman

The Apostles teach the gospel - ch.64-1

Ol Jos lida oli bin wokhad blong tijim ol pipol abaot Jisas Kraes. Oli bin visitim ol Sent mo raetem ol leta i go long olgeta. Ol pipol oli bin joenem Jos long plante ples. Ol rabis man oli no wantem ol man blong oli biliv long Jisas Kraes.

Wicked people change the commandments and lead some people astray. - ch.64-2

Ol rabis pipol oli bin wantem blong jenisim olgeta komanmen. Sam long ol Sent oli bin lisin long olgeta. Plante oli bin stop blong stap biliv long Jisas mo oli no bin obei long ol komanmen blong Hem.

Many righteous Saint are killed. The Apostles are killed also and the Church is no longer on the earth. - ch.64-3

Ol Aposol mo plante Sent oli bin ded. I no gat wan i stap blong lidim Jos. Oli bin karemaot ol ki blong prishud long wol. Olgeta pipol oli no bin gat ol profet blong i gaedem olgeta. Jos blong Jisas Kraes i nomo stap long wol ia. Tufala Aposol ia, Pita mo Pol, tufala i bin talem se samting ia bae i hapen.

Many different churches are established, but none are Jesus Christ's church. - ch.64-4

Handred yia i bin pas. I bin gat plante defren jos. I no gat wan long olgeta i gat ol Aposol o prishud blong God. I no bin gat wan long ol Jos ia we hem i blong Jisas Kraes. Be ol profet oli bin talem se afta plante yia bae Jos blong Jisas Kraes bae i kambak long wol bakegen.

In 1820 Joseph Smith goes to the woods near his home and prays. - ch.64-5

Long 1820 wan boe we nem blong hem i Josef Smit i bin wantem blong save wij jos nao hem i Jos blong Jisas Kraes. Hem i bin go long bus kolosap long hom blong hem mo i bin prea. Hem i bin askem God blong i talem long hem wij jos nao i stret.

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appear to Joseph Smith.l - ch.64-6

Papa long Heven mo Jisas Kraes tufala i bin kamaot long Josef Smit. Sevya i bin talem long Josef blong i no joenem eni jos from i no gat wan long olgeta ia hem i Jos blong Hem.

Joseph Smith translates the gold plates. - ch.64-7

God i bin jusum blong i karembak Jos blong Jisas Kraes i kambak long wol tru long Josef Smit. God i bin sendem ol enjel blong oli givim long Josef Smit prishud. Hem i bin helpem Josef Smit blong i transletem Buk blong Momon. Long 6 Epril 1830, Jos blong Jisas Kraes i bin oganaes long wol bakegen.

Joseph Smith organizes the Church with Twelve Apostles - ch.64-8

I semmak olsem we Jisas i bin jusum ol Twelef Aposol taem Hem i bin stap long wol, God i bin helpem Josef Smit blong jusum ol Twelef Aposol blong oli helpem hem blong lidim Jos. Olgeta man ia oli bin kasem olgeta paoa blong tijim gospel mo mekem ol merikel.

Missionaries teach people about the true church. - ch.64-9

Jisas i bin wantem evriwan blong oli save abaot Jos blong Hem. Hem i bin talem long Josef Smit blong i sendem ol misinari blong oli tijim evri pipol abaot Jos blong Jisas Kraes blong Ol Lata-dei Sent.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the same church Jesus organized when He was on the earth. Jesus Christ is pictured with the Salt Lake Temple in the background. - ch.64-10

Jos blong Jisas Kraes blong Ol Lata-dei Sent hem i semfala jos we Jisas i bin oganaesem taem Hem i bin stap long wol.
