Scripture Stories
Japta 29: Jisas I Wokbaot long Wota

Japta 29

Jisas I Wokbaot long Wota

Jesus's disciples are in a boat on the Sea of Galilee in the midst of a storm - ch.29-1

Afta we Hem i fidim 5000 man, Jisas i bin go antap long wan hil blong i prea. Ol disaepol blong Hem oli bin karem bot i go kros long Si blong Galili. Taem tudak i kam, win i stat blong blo, mo ol wef oli stat blong kam bigwan.

Jesus walks over the water to get to the boat - ch.29-2

Samtaem afta long naet, Jisas i bin kam blong joenem ol disaepol blong Hem. Hem i bin stap wokbaot long wota blong go long bot.

The disciples are afraid when they see Jesus walking on the water - ch.29-3

Ol disaepol oli bin luk Hem i stap wokbaot long wota. Oli bin fraet. Oli ting se Hem i wan spirit. Jisas i bin singaotem olgeta, “Yufala i no harem nogud. Mi nomo ya. Yufala i no fraet.”

Peter walks on the water toward the Savior - ch.29-4

Pita i bin wantem blong wokbaot tu long wota. Jisas i bin talem long Pita blong i kam long Hem. Pita i bin klaemaot long bot. Hem i bin stat blong wokbaot i go long Sevya.

Because of the strong wind Peter is afraid and begins to sink - ch.29-5

From we win i stap blo strong, Pita i stat blong fraet. Hem i bin stat blong draon long wota mo singaot long Jisas blong i sevem hem.

The Savior takes Peter by the hand and asks why he is afraid - ch.29-6

Sevya i bin tekem han blong Pita. Hem i bin askem Pita from wanem hem i no bin gat moa fet.

Jesus and Peter walked to the boat and the storm ceased - ch.29-7

Taem Jisas mo Pita i bin kam long bot, strong win ia i bin stop. Ol disaepol oli bin wosipim Sevya. Oli bin save se Hem i Pikinini blong God.
