Scripture Stories
Japta 38: Farasi mo Man blong Karem Mane blong Takis

Japta 38

Farasi mo Man blong Karem Mane blong Takis

Jesus tells a parable to some people who think they are better and more righteous than others - ch.40-1

Wan dei Sevya i bin toktok long sam pipol we oli ting se oli stret mo gud moa long ol narafala pipol. Jisas i bin talem long olgeta wan stori.

A Pharisee and a publican go to the temple to pray - ch.40-2

I gat tu man tufala i bin go long tempol blong prea. Wan long tufala hem i wan Farasi. Nara-wan hem i wan man blong karem mane blong takis. Olgeta pipol oli no laekem ol man we oli stap karem mane blong takis. Oli ting se ol man blong takis oli no stap ones.

The Pharisee thanks God that he is better than other people - The publican prays for mercy on himself as a sinner - ch.40-3

Farasi i bin stanap long fored blong ol narawan blong prea. Hem i bin talem tangkyu long God se hem i moa gud bitim ol nara pipol. Hem i bin talem se hem i bin livim kakae tu taem long evri wik mo i stap pem taeting blong hem. Man blong karem mane blong takis ia i bin stanap hemwan, i bodaon, mo i prea, “God, mi mi man nogud. Plis, yu gat sore long mi.”

Jesus explains that the Pharisee thought he did not sin or need help from God, but the publican admitted sinning and wanted to repent - ch.40-4

Farasi ia i bin ting se hem i wan stret man mo hem i no nidim help blong God. Be man blong karem mane blong takis ia i bin save se hem i no wan stret man mo i nidim help blong God. Hem i bin putum tingting blong hem i stap daon mo i bin askem God blong i fogivim hem.

Jesus tells the people to be like the publican because he, not the Pharisee, would be forgiven - ch.40-5

Jisas i bin talem se olgeta pipol oli mas kam olsem man blong karem mane blong takis. Oli no mas tingting se olgeta oli moa gud bitim ol narafala pipol. Oli mas sakem sin blong olgeta mo askem God blong i fogivim olgeta.
