Scripture Stories
Fasfala Parabol: Sipsip we I Bin Lus

Fasfala Parabol

Sipsip we I Bin Lus

A shepherd looks after his flock of 100 sheep - ch.35-4

Wan gudfala man blong lukaot long sipsip i bin gat 100 sipsip. Wan long olgeta i bin lus.

The shepherd leaves the 99 other sheep and looks for the lost sheep - ch.35-5

Man blong lukaot long ol sipsip ia i bin livim 99 sipsip i stap mo go lukaotem wan we i bin lus. Taem hem i faenem sipsip ia we i lus, hem i bin glad tumas.

The shepherd carries the sheep home on his shoulders and invites his neighbors to rejoice with him - ch.35-6

Man blong lukaot long sipsip i bin karem sipsip ia i gobak long hom. Hem i bin singaotem ol fren blong hem mo ol neiba blong hem blong oli kam mo glad wetem hem. Hem i bin faenem sipsip we i bin lus.

Jesus Christ explains that sinners are like the lost sheep and there will be joy in heaven if a sinner repents - ch.35-7

Jisas Kraes i bin talem long ol Farasi wanem nao mining blong parabol ia. Hem i bin talem se olgeta we oli gat sin oli olsem sipsip ia we i bin lus.

Jesus explains that just as the shepherd wanted to save the lost sheep He wants to save sinners - ch.35-8

I semmak olsem we man blong lukaot long sipsip ia i wantem blong sevem sipsip ia we i lus , Jisas i wantem blong sevem olgeta we oli sin.

Jesus tells the Pharisees that that is why He was talking with sinners - ch.35-10

Jisas i bin talem se hemia nao from wanem Hem i stap toktok wetem ol man we oli sin.

Just as the shepherd was happy to find his sheep, Jesus is happy when sinners repent - ch.35-9

Mo semmak olsem man blong lukaot long sipsip i bin glad tumas taem hem i bin faenem sipsip we i lus, nao Jisas i glad tumas taem yumi sakem sin.
