Scripture Stories
Nambatu Parabol: Smol Mane we I Bin Lus

Nambatu Parabol

Smol Mane we I Bin Lus

A woman searches for a lost coin - ch.35-11

Wan woman i bin gat 10 selen blong ol silva. Hem i bin lusum wan long ol ten selen ia. Hem i bin lukaotem olbaot long haos.

The woman calls her friends together to rejoice with her in finding the coin - ch.35-12

Long en hem i bin faenem selen ia. Hem i bin glad tumas. Hem i bin singaotem ol fren mo ol neiba blong hem, mo i talem long olgeta. Olgeta tu oli bin glad se hem i bin faenem selen ia we i bin lus.

Jesus compares the lost coin to a member of the Church who was less active and has come back - ch.35-14

Ol Jos lida mo ol memba oli olsem woman long stori ia; selen ia we i bin lus i olsem wan memba blong Jos we i no stap go long jos o i nomo stap traem blong laef folem ol komanmen. Hem i olsem se oli bin lus long Jos. Jisas Kraes i wantem ol Jos memba blong faenem eni brata o sista we oli lus mo helpem olgeta oli kambak long Hem. Hem i glad tumas taem samting ia i hapen.

Jesus the Christ, 455–56

The angels are happy when a person repents and comes back into the Church - ch.35-13

Ol fren mo ol neiba long stori ia oli olsem ol enjel blong God. Ol enjel oli glad tumas taem wan man i sakem sin.
