Scripture Stories
Toko 32: I Petera Mijoro ho Vavolombelona momba an’i Kristy

Toko 32

I Petera Mijoro ho Vavolombelona momba an’i Kristy

Jesus asks His disciples who people say that He is - ch.32-1

Nanontanian’i Jesoa ny mpianany hoe Iza Izy araka ny eritreritry ny olona.

The disciples tell Jesus that some say He is John the Baptist, some Elias or some other Old Testament prophet - ch.32-2

Namaly ireo mpianany fa ny olona sasany dia mieritreritra fa Izy no Jaona Mpanao Batisa. Ny hafa mieritreritra fa mpaminanin’ny Testamenta Taloha Izy izay nitsangana tamin’ny maty.

Peter tells Jesus that He is the Christ - ch.32-3

Nanontanian’i Jesoa indray ny mpianany hoe Iza Izy araka ny eritreritr’izy ireo. Hoy i Petera, “Ianao no Kristy, Zanak’Andriamanitra velona.”

Jesus explains to Peter that his testimony comes by a revelation from God - ch .32-4

Nazavain’i Jesoa fa ny fijoroana ho vavolombelon’i Petera dia tsy avy amin’ny fahalalan’olombelona. Ny fijoroany ho vavolombelona dia avy amin’ny fanambarana avy amin’Andriamanitra.

Jesus tells Peter that the true church would be founded on Him and His teachings - ch.32-5

Nampanantena an’i Petera i Jesoa fa hanome azy ny fisoronana sy ny fahefana hitarika ny Fiangonany. Ary dia hanana ny fahefana hanangana ny Fiangonan’i Jesoa eto an-tany i Petera sy ireo mpianatra.

Jesus tells His disciples to tell no one that He is the Christ - ch.32-6

Nasain’i Jesoa mba tsy hilaza na amin’iza na amin’iza hoe Izy no Kristy ny mpianany. Voalohany dia tsy maintsy hijaly Izy, hovonoina, ary hitsangana amin’ny maty amin’ny andro fahatelo.

Hamoaka printy