Scripture Stories
Toko 48: Ireo Talenta

Toko 48

Ireo Talenta

Jesus tells His disciples about a man who gave his servants some talents - ch.48-1

Nitantara tantara tamin’ireo mpianany momba ilay lehilahy izay nanome talenta an’ireo mpanompony i Jesoa. Ny talenta dia vola be.

The man gives five talents to one servant, two talents to another, and one talent to another - ch.48-2

Nomen’ilay lehilahy talenta dimy ny mpanompo iray. Nomeny talenta roa ny mpanompo iray hafa. Nomeny talenta iray ilay mpanompo fahatelo. Dia lasa nanao dia lavitra ilay lehilahy.

The servant with the five talents works and makes five more talents - ch.48-3

Niasa mafy ilay mpanompo izay nomena talenta dimy. Nahazo tombony talenta dimy izy. Manana talenta folo izy ankehitriny.

The servant with the two talents makes two more talents - ch.48-4

Niasa mafy koa ilay mpanompo nomena talenta roa. Nahazo tombony talenta roa izy. Manana talenta efatra izy ankehitriny.

The servant with one talent buries it in the ground - ch.48-5

Ilay mpanompo nomena talenta iray dia nandevina izany tany ambanin’ny tany. Natahotra izy sao very izany. Tsy niasa izy mba hahazoana talenta bebe kokoa izy.

The man returns and asks his servants what they have done with their talents - ch.48-6

Rehefa niverina ilay lehilahy, dia nanontany ireo mpanompo izy hoe nanaovan’izy ireo inona.

The first servant brings his ten talents to the man - ch.48-7

Ilay mpanompo voalohany dia nanome azy talenta folo. Faly ilay lehilahy. Nataony mpitarika amin’ny zavatra maro ilay mpanompony ary nasainy nifaly.

The second servant brings his four talents to the man - ch.48-8

Ilay mpanompo faharoa dia nanome azy talenta efatra. Nahafaly ilay lehilahy koa izany. Nataony mpitarika amin’ny zavatra maro ilay mpanompony ary nasainy nifaly.

The servant with one talent brings the talent he buried - ch.48-9

Ilay mpanompo fahatelo dia namerina tany amin’ilay lehilahy ny talenta izay naleviny. Tsy faly ilay lehilahy. Nilaza izy fa kamo ilay mpanompo. Tokony niasa mafy izy mba hahazoany talenta maro.

The man takes the talent from the third servant and gives it to the first - ch.48-10

Nalainy tany amin’ilay mpanompo fahatelo ilay talenta ary nomeny ilay mpanompo voalohany. Ary dia noroahiny ilay mpanompo kamo. Ilay lehilahy ao amin’ny tantara dia tahaka an’i Jesoa. Isika dia tahaka ireo mpanompo. Hitsara ny fomba nampiasantsika ireo fanomezam-pahasoavana nomena antsika i Jesoa.

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