Ol Stadi Help
Man, We I Folem Fasin blong Wol

Man, We I Folem Fasin blong Wol

Wan we i jusum blong ol strong filing, ol samting we bodi i wantem, ol filing blong bodi oli lidim hem be i no ol toktok blong Tabu Spirit. Wan olsem, i save andastanem ol samting long saed blong bodi, be i no save andastanem ol samting long saed blong spirit. Evri pipol oli folem wol, o oli save ded, from Foldaon blong Adam mo Iv. Wanwan i mas bon bakegen tru long Atonmen blong Jisas Kraes blong stop blong stap olsem wan man we i folem ol fasin blong wol.
